How to limit the "Available Contents" for MyPage

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9/28/2009 2:17:24 AM
Total Posts 2

How to limit the "Available Contents" for MyPage

Hi Joe,

Good Day! I'm a fan of your MojoPortal Laughing here in the Philippines because it's so easy for beginners like me. I have a question for you, How can I limit the "Available Content for the MyPage" for certain group of users.

Example: On MyPage, If I am a group A user I will only see the "Available Contents" for Group A. I won't see the Group B "Available Contents".

Hoping for your response.


- GQ


9/28/2009 6:55:18 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: How to limit the "Available Contents" for MyPage


Sorry but MyPage is not driven by roles so it does not provide filtering of available content by roles. It is very much like MyYahoo or iGoogle, or Netvibes. Its just a way for users to create personalized pages using content that you have published to the public.



9/28/2009 10:39:35 PM
Total Posts 2

Re: How to limit the "Available Contents" for MyPage

Thanks Joe! Laughing

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