Content Animation

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9/27/2009 2:00:41 PM
Total Posts 180
Thomas F. Heringer

Content Animation

All of these are not showing up in settings for content feature. Plus I find no plug in for Twitter. What am I missing?

Easy content animation/slide shows


Our Html Content feature now has content animation built in. You can enable it in the settings of an Html Content instance and it will create a slide show based on the content using cool transitions that you can also configure in the settings. The animation uses the jQuery Cycle Plugin. It can rotate images paragraphs or any html content. People often ask how to rotate images in their custom skins, so I've also added image rotation in the andreasvicklund-02-alt2 skin to give an example how to do this.

9/27/2009 5:06:14 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Content Animation

Hi Thomas,

Did you upgrade to version

If you visit Admin > System Information does it say you are running version

Did you upload all the new files including the /ClientScript folder?

Did you use the new Web.config file? Do no try to keep an old one, backup your old one and transfer and custom settings to the new one.

Did you visit the /Setup/Default.aspx page to run the upgrade after uploading the new files?

Hope it helps,


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