Search results not correctly screened on the basis of role for role restricted modules

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9/23/2009 6:54:48 AM
Total Posts 2

Search results not correctly screened on the basis of role for role restricted modules


I'm running mojoPortal on IIS6 with MSSQL and the latest build.

I have a page which is visible to all users, but on this page I have a HTML component which is restricted to certain role members. When searching the site as anonymous the content of the html component is returned in the search index, even though the anonymous user is not in the restricted role. For example the html component is restricted to the group MyUsers. The anonymous user can see the contents even though they do not have this role.

Looking at the code it seems that during the return of search results the module is filtered out if the current user does not belong to the lucene field ViewRole. However this role is inherited from the page, not the actual component module, and in this case the page is open to All Users. There also needs to be an exclusion for if the user does not belong to the lucene field ModuleRole in the loop I think, this would reject the user if they did not have the correct ModuleRole.

I hope I have explained the problem ok.


Thanks for the hard work,



9/23/2009 8:01:28 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Search results not correctly screened on the basis of role for role restricted modules


I am not able to produce this problem on my local machine nor on

Please make sure you have these settings in your user.config file:

<add key="SearchUseBackwardCompatibilityMode" value="false" />

<add key="DisableSearchFeatureFilters" value="false" />

<add key="EnableSearchResultsHighlighting" value="true" />

If not then add them, then touch your Web.config to recycle the app, then rebuild the search index.

Hope it helps,


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