Intense Debate

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9/21/2009 1:54:59 PM
Total Posts 180
Thomas F. Heringer

Intense Debate

How do you configure or set up Intense Debate to work on my blogs? I have searched for an area where this is discussed and have found no mention of it. I probably looked right over it and missed it. Help please

9/22/2009 6:44:42 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Intense Debate

If you go into the settings in the blog and find the settings for IntenseDebate and click the help icon next to the setting you will find information there.

Hope it helps,


11/5/2009 7:57:24 AM
Total Posts 249

Re: Intense Debate

i saw from your blog that the old posts will still use the standard comment system, while the newer one will use intensedebsate/disqus

this is for everyone, right?

and still you have the control to delete/filter the comments, right? They are stored on my database so can i modify them? I mean, sometimes some comment spam on my website are very funny, i would like to remove only the spam links, haha

11/5/2009 8:17:12 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Intense Debate

The older internal comments are stored in your db but the Intense Debate comments are not, they are stored on the Intense Debate servers. I believe they allow you to export them if you want to keep a copy of the data.



11/6/2009 9:31:55 AM
Total Posts 249

Re: Intense Debate

do you still have control for delete inappropriate / spam comments?

do you like intensedebate? I mean, you feel it is good?

11/6/2009 5:15:00 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Intense Debate

Yes, they have good moderation features you can enable and of course you can delete comments. I'm using it on my blog, but admittedly I'm not blogging as much as I should so I'm not testing all the features of it. Seems pretty good though.



3/1/2011 1:41:27 PM
Total Posts 11

Re: Intense Debate

I've installed IntenseDebate on my Blog and Forums but when I click on the comment link, there is no option to enter any comments.  I do have Tweet this enabled, does this prevent IntenseDebate working?



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