Unable to uload a 3.2 MB file using neat upload.

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9/21/2009 5:08:39 AM
Total Posts 13

Unable to uload a 3.2 MB file using neat upload.

Hi Joe, I just wondering if there's any limit set on the file upload, using the shared file module. I am able to upload a word doc of 100 Kb but not able to upload a 3.2 MB zip file. I get an error which says "Error: Thread was being aborted". Any ideas as to how I could overcome this problem. Thanks in advance. God Bless.

9/21/2009 1:33:46 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Unable to uload a 3.2 MB file using neat upload.


If you are hosted in medium trust then you can add this to the system.web section of your Web.config and hopefully it will allow larger uploads depending on whether your host is enforcing this file upload limit in machine.config or not.

<httpRuntime maxRequestLength="2097151" executionTimeout="14400" />

If not hosted in medium trust then the max file size is controlled by the neatUpload section of Web.config

Hope it helps,


9/22/2009 6:22:55 AM
Total Posts 13

Re: Unable to uload a 3.2 MB file using neat upload.

The content that belongs here is too complex to display securely.
9/22/2009 6:40:13 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Unable to uload a 3.2 MB file using neat upload.

If you are in Full Trust then you are seeing a progress bar when you upload? If so it means you are in full trust and using NeatUpload so the max upload size is based on this section but by default it already alllows files larger that 3.2mb

<neatUpload xmlns="http://www.brettle.com/neatupload/config/2008"








The Thread was being aborted message make me think the request times out or the application is being recycled before the file finishes uploading and this could happen even if large files are allowed. I would check with your host to find out if they are enforcing a short request timeout. Or if they may have the application pool configured to recycle if memory use reaches a certain level so if this happens during file upload it will not finish the upload because when the app is recycled it kills the executing thread.

Hope it helps,


9/22/2009 6:42:54 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Unable to uload a 3.2 MB file using neat upload.

Also, make sure the App_Data folder is writable so it can use this folder for temporary files, otherwise it falls back to using the Windows\temp folder.

Also make sure you are not bumping up against your disk quota for your web site, make sure there is plenty of free space available. Sometimes you may have a lot of disk space available in your account but it must be allocated for use by the site.

Hope it helps,


9/22/2009 7:45:52 AM
Total Posts 13

Re: Unable to upload a 3.2 MB file using neat upload.

Thanks a lot Joe. Let me check and get back to you.

9/23/2009 10:34:34 AM
Total Posts 15
If God be for us, Who can be against us.

Re: Unable to upload a 3.2 MB file using neat upload.

Hi Joe, I just wanted to give you an update on the upload problem. You were bang on when you said you might not have enough space. I was supposed to have 500 MB but when I checked, I was only allotted 10 MB. I also told them to increase the timeout, which I believe they did. So now, I can upload big files without any problems. I am sure the hosting guys must have had a terrible day dealing with my intellectual doubts. Must be wondering how this guy knew all these technicalities. Little did they know that I was backed by a mighty Joe! :) Thanks a lot for your continuous support. God Bless.

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