mistake position about more modules in a page

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9/19/2009 3:44:49 AM
Total Posts 20

mistake position about more modules in a page

    A problem about mistake shown position. In a page, I put two modules and arrange them in left-right style. but  the right one is shown mistake position, its content is placed on the bottom of left area. I get latest source from svn, and some more, Chrome and Opera and IE8 are all correct , what is problem!


9/19/2009 8:08:17 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: mistake position about more modules in a page

This can depend on the skin. The column layouts are done using float left and margins but if there is not enough room for the right column it may fall below. I think all the included skins work well because column margins are correct, though in some cases if you put content in the right that overlfows the column its possible this would happen.

Hope it helps,


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