mojoPortal Preview Available

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9/18/2009 11:15:02 AM
Total Posts 18428

mojoPortal Preview Available

Hi All,

I've made a preview of the next release available for anyone who would like to get the new features early and help test for the official release.

Its available now (only for MS SQL) on our Novell Forge Download Page,

Whats New?

New Side Show with transition effects built into the Html Content Feature making it easy to animate image and content rotation.

The andreasvicklund-02-alt1 skins also shows how to rotate content in the skin.

New Twiiter Profile Widget to show your tweets (or anyone's) on your site.

New Twitter Search Widget to show tweets about a particular topic or keywords.

New configuration file mojoTinyMCE.config which you can copy and override from user.config to use a custom file giving more control over plugins and toolbars.

Change feature settings link from gear icon to text link by default to improve user friendliness. If you like the old way you there is a config setting you can override to use the icon as in the past.

Fixed issue where security settings changed in the master site did not propagate to the other sites in when using related sites mode.

Added a config option to force user uploaded avatars to be square rather than keep the aspect ratio of the original image.

Added a config option if you only want admins to be able to upload user avatars.

Fixed bug in newsletter where members of Newsletter Admins role could not send newsletters.

Added a config setting to allow control over how large the search results fragments displayed are.

Please let me know any feedback. I'm already running this version on and on



9/18/2009 1:02:44 PM
Total Posts 2252

Re: mojoPortal Preview Available

Will you be publishing release previews on a regular basis now?


9/19/2009 7:53:58 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: mojoPortal Preview Available

Hi Joe,

It depends if it proves beneficial to do so. If very many people actually test the previews and provide feedback then it will help make the official release better. Its a way to get new features and bug fixes out to those who are interested in them sooner, kind of like a nightly build but more on an ad hoc timetable. 

With the release I ended up updating the release packages a few times right after the release to fix some issues that came to light right after the release. They were small fixes but I wanted to make sure the package was really good before submitting it to the web app gallery. The majority of our downloads come from the gallery so I try to make sure its a very solid build before submitting it. The current release at the moment in the gallery is which was a solid release but we've added so many good things since then it was time to get a new release into the gallery. I waited a bit after the release to make sure any bugs got shaken out before submitting. If people help test preview builds it may make it easier to keep gallery submissions up to date more frequently. Hopefully the build will go live in the gallery next week. Yet I'm already at another stable point with a few new cool features like the content slide show and the twitter integration so I wanted to make that available as soon as possible to those who are interested in those features so I decided to try a preview release soft announced in the forums while I consider whether there are other little things I could complete for this release. There are some bigger things coming up next that will take longer so it also seems like a good idea to get a release out before I get going on those things. These cool little javascript things like the content slideshow and the twitter widgets are easy to add quickly compared to features that require new tables and schema changes. And even though they are easy to implement they seem like valuable/high impact features that users will be glad to have. 



9/20/2009 8:39:41 PM
Total Posts 228

Re: mojoPortal Preview Available

This all looks really, really good Joe. I'm just amazed how fast the mojo development is going. I've only been involved for a couple months so far and am astounded to say the least.

I've hardly had time to play around with the new gallery and slideshow features, but they are a very welcome additions. My clients just LOVE photo galleries it seems, I hardly put an estimate together these days without some kind of banner rotator, gallery or slideshow. lol

There is one bug I've seen since the new image resizer was added. I see it on my server and also on yours. If you go look in your demo portal under "/Data/Sites/305/media/ist2_2013034-lightning-storm.jpg.tmp" you'll see that a .tmp file is always created if you upload a file and have the editor resize it on the fly. The resized image always shows up, but so does that tmp file. I'm guessing it should get deleted on the fly but that isn't happening for some reason.

Thanks so much for the TinyMCE config file, that will be very helpful for my situation and use of the tool

9/20/2009 8:48:49 PM
Total Posts 228

Re: mojoPortal Preview Available

I meant to add as well that the module "Settings | Edit" links instead of icons looks better and is indeed easier to use. More intuitive.

In some ways you could almost apply the same logic to the master admin icon bar in the header. Or make it a site-wide setting to use icons or text labels. For new end users I feel a link that says "page settings" is quicker to figure out than a tiny icon that sorta looks like gears. Same with the page pencil, "page modules" might be easier, or "add new page" and "site settings" for the other options up there.

Hard to say, just food for thought. But I like the direction so far.

9/21/2009 1:25:01 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: mojoPortal Preview Available

Hi Eric,

There has actually been a config setting for at least a few versions now allowing you to use text links instead of icons for the main admin links.

<add key="UseIconsForAdminLinks" value="true" />

set the above to false in your user.config

I've contemplated making false the default but then I'll have to re-do a bunch of training videos.

I'm hoping to post an updated preview tomorrow. I've implemented image cropping (based on jCrop) in the file/upload browse dialog in the editor and I'm working on image cropping for user avatar uploads so they can upload a full size image and then create a crop for the avatar.



9/21/2009 1:39:35 PM
Total Posts 228

Re: mojoPortal Preview Available

You're like a god, some mythical spartan reborn to save web designers everywhere and bring balance to the force..... bless you sir.

9/21/2009 4:30:21 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: mojoPortal Preview Available

Hi Eric,

Thats the best and most poetic praise I've heard in a long time! Many thanks!

I swear, wrapping up javascript for easy use in .NET is one of the most fun things for me to work on and all the cool jQuery stuff out there to solve any problem is making it easy and fun for me to add a lot of magic.

I hope you've tried enabling the Slideshow in the html content settings in the preview, I'd be interested to hear what you think of that.

I'll hopefully post a new preview by the end of the day tomorrow so you can try out the image cropper and the avatar upload/cropper.



9/22/2009 2:46:11 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: mojoPortal Preview Available

Hi All,

I've updated the build again (for ms sql only), you can download it from the Novell Forge Download Page.

It now has image cropping capabilities in the editor image browser as well as when using user uploaded avatars. Now the user can upload a larger image and then crop it to make the avatar. There are config settings to control the maxsize of the original file so it can be reduced before the user gets to crop if its really big.

I've also updated the site so you can try the new features there as well.


I will look into the lingering tmp file issue you reported. I have not seen that issue on my local machine, it does delete the tmp file after resizing. Maybe its a timing issue and it shows it before it gets deleted.



9/22/2009 9:47:51 PM
Total Posts 228

Re: mojoPortal Preview Available

The crop feature is great, that will be very handy for users. Along with the resize option that makes this CMS fully featured for people with no technical experience to load images and properly format and crop for the web. In my opinion that was always one area that end-users mess up on regardless of the CMS. You have a leg up on DNN in this regard! No more 8megapixel images in dire need of cropping on our sites!!!

I've just been swamped the last week or so with client work, I can't wait to check out some of the new features in mojo like the gallery/slideshow...but it's going to have to wait a few more days though, maybe till the weekend. I've got a couple simple modules I've been working on as well that I'll contribute here at some point for consideration.

I see that .tmp file issue in your demo portal as well, just in case you want to see it happening for yourself. Not a biggie, but a couple people mentioned it to me wondering what they were doing wrong.

The other sweet feature would be a way to delete a file from the new File Browser interface without having to go into the file manager. Since I remove the file manager from remote author access this would be the only way users could delete files from the "media" folder...that I know of.


Let's all buy Joe a beer from time to time people so we can keep this open source CMS rockin along! Don't forget.

9/23/2009 8:15:52 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: mojoPortal Preview Available

Hi Eric,

Ok, I figured out what was happening with the lingering tmp files and why I was not seeing them. It was only happening if the image did not need resizing, it was a logic error where after creating the tmp file we checked its size and if it did not need resizing we were just exiting the method and this would leave behind the tmp file. I have fixed this both on and in the preview package.

I've also made it possible to make a cropped image larger than the crop selection, so for example if the crop selection is 100px wide and 100px tall, and you specify 200 for the crop width and height, it now enlarges the crop. Of course quality degrades depending on how much larger the result image is vs the crop selection.

I will see about a way to delete files. I could possibly add a delete button similar to how I'm adding the crop link. I guess my only concern is that users could delete files that they did not upload and files which may be in use in some content that they don't know about. Maybe we need to add a separate permission for roles that can delete files so we can control it separately from who can upload.



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