Installing on MySQL with AppKeepAlive set before setup

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9/18/2009 9:43:24 AM
Total Posts 2252

Installing on MySQL with AppKeepAlive set before setup

I tried installing mojoPortal this morning on MySQL and ran into an issue where an error would be thrown stating that the mp_taskqueue table doesn't exist. Of course it didn't exist because the Setup routine hadn't run yet. After some head scratching I figured out the problem was I had already set the UseAppKeepAlive and AppKeepAliveUrl values in my user.config (I do this on a lot my installations because my customers tend to be small and they don't generate a lot of traffic). When I set these values and then run setup against MSSQL, I don't get any errors.

I can easily remind myself that I need to comment those settings out before running setup on a site that will be using MySQL but I figured I would bring it up just in case it is an easy fix.


9/19/2009 7:55:38 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Installing on MySQL with AppKeepAlive set before setup

I've added some error handling to catch that in the case where its enabled on a new installation.



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