This is an open forum for any mojoPortal topics that don't fall into the other categories.
Hello, I've been trying to get to grips with MojoPortal for a few weeks now, for some corporate sites at work. So far it seems much easier to use than DNN, for many many reasons.
I've added our little FileReader functionality from our current site as a module following the tutorials, what with there being no Document Library yet. This simply lists PDFs from a Download directory, which I created in Data/Sites/1/I was hoping to administer this list of PDFs using the File Manager functionality in the Admin area, which almost works, apart from that the NeatUploader will only upload images. If I add PDFs outside of the site File Manager lists them fine.
Is there a simple way to change this anywhere so NeatUploader will upload PDF, Word, Excel and PowerPoint files?
Hi Graham,
That was a bug introduced when I added the neatupload multi file upload, I had copy pasted it from an example that was filtered for image files.
If you upgrade to the latest version it is fixed.
Hope it helps,
Grand, that did the job nicely. Thank you very much!