avatars admin

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9/16/2009 2:57:04 PM
Total Posts 51

avatars admin

Hey Joe -

Prior to the latest version, I had been using the 'Old Cheesy Avatars' system, along with setting  OnlyAdminsCanEditCheesyAvatars to true.  Has this been completely eliminated at this point, or is there still some way to set and lock a user's avatar?

9/17/2009 6:09:42 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: avatars admin

Hi Kevin,

Yes, I did away with the old cheesy avatar system completely. I will implement a config option today to allow you to use the new one in the same way as you did the old one, that is, an option where only the admins can upload a user avatar. Sorry for any inconvenience, I should have thought of this option for the initial version. I've also added a new option to allow forcing a square avatar rather than keeping the aspect ratio as it does in the current release.



9/17/2009 8:00:06 AM
Total Posts 51

Re: avatars admin

Awesome, many thanks Joe.  There probably aren't many of us using this config option anyway, and frankly if it were up to me I'd let everyone upload their own avatars.  But what the client wants, the client gets.

9/19/2009 8:10:57 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: avatars admin

Hi Kevin,

This is available now in a preview release (for ms sql only).



9/21/2009 1:57:53 PM
Total Posts 51

Re: avatars admin

Awesome, Many thanks Joe!

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