New Skin for mojoPortal

If you are using mojoPortal, let us know. We've put a lot of work into this project and it would be gratifying to hear from you. If you are using mojoPortal for a public site, post your URL here and show it off.

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9/4/2009 9:13:26 PM
Total Posts 2252

New Skin for mojoPortal

I have modified a design I did for a customer so that I could give it to the mojoPortal community. I couldn't give it away the way I designed it as the customer paid for it to be unique. The nice thing about this skin is it uses a unique menu style.

The skin can be downloaded from:

-Joe D.

9/5/2009 5:35:51 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: New Skin for mojoPortal

Hi Joe,

That skin looks fantastic!

Would you like me to include it with mojoPortal?

If so I think you should specify a license for it. Do you want to require users to keep the design by link like some of the other skins licensed under creative commons attribution license?



9/7/2009 10:44:41 AM
Total Posts 2252

Re: New Skin for mojoPortal

Yes, I would like it included in mojoPortal if at all possible. I will specify a license for it after I change a couple things I noticed I wanted to change.

I will post a link to the updated skin in a day or so.


9/8/2009 2:52:12 PM
Total Posts 2252

Re: New Skin for mojoPortal

I have updated the skin and the link on my original post. It is released under the Creative Commons Attribution License and a link to i7MEDIA must remain on any site that uses it (not on every page necessarily).

For the time being, you can see the skin at


9/14/2009 2:00:38 AM
Total Posts 6
Kevin Tunis

Re: New Skin for mojoPortal

Joe Davis

In the new theme was the 3 cross background and I thought two other from the original included? Also where do you change the background now? In the css or the layout


Kevin Tunis

9/14/2009 10:13:46 AM
Total Posts 2252

Re: New Skin for mojoPortal

I removed the images from the skin package as I didn't create them and I didn't want to give the impression that I did. You can find some very nice images at That is where I got the images originally included in the skin package.

If you want to use an image for the background:

  1. Remove the <!-- --> comment tags from around the "<img id=background-img..." tag
  2. Replace the src with the path to your image.

The image will scale to the size of the browser window.

If you want to change the color of the background, modify the background-color of the #wrapwebsite selector in the Style.CSS.

Also, you may want to download the last version of the skin using the link in my first post.


9/15/2009 3:11:57 PM
Total Posts 6
Kevin Tunis

Re: New Skin for mojoPortal

Joe Davis,

Still have the red background I have replaced the src with the path to the image and I have removed the background-color of the #wrapwebsite selector. If I hit refresh it will show my background just for a second before it reverts back to the red background. I have also touched the web.config just to see if that made a difference. I also looked for these in the web.config



9/15/2009 3:42:48 PM
Total Posts 2252

Re: New Skin for mojoPortal

Hmmm, is your site publicly accessible? If so, do you mind posting a link to it?


9/15/2009 3:49:19 PM
Total Posts 6
Kevin Tunis

Re: New Skin for mojoPortal


Not yet still on a dev box still playing with it, I sure it has to do with cache.

9/18/2009 10:17:00 AM
Total Posts 2252

Re: New Skin for mojoPortal

I just implemented this skin on my personal blog site and I had to set the background-color of the #wrapwebsite selector to transparent.

#wrapwebsite {
   background-color: transparent;

Give this a try and let me know if it fixes the issue for you.

9/18/2009 2:17:52 PM
Total Posts 6
Kevin Tunis

Re: New Skin for mojoPortal

Had not thought of that thanks -works like a charm

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