TinyMCE editor button mods

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9/4/2009 8:56:32 PM
Total Posts 228

TinyMCE editor button mods

Hello, anyone know where to edit the TinyMCE buttons that load by default? I searched but can't find where that's being set in Mojo.

For example, font color is critically important and can't be CSS styles (for every color), not very user friendly either to have to select a "style" from a non-visual drop-down menu. But I don't want font face or size, just the fore and back color. Also, we need the table editing icons to load - currently there's no way to edit tables/cells. I'd like to remove the smiley faces, search, replace, print and do some other customizations for my install.

It's probably hiding somehere, but a pointer would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.

9/7/2009 8:32:38 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: TinyMCE editor button mods

Hi Eric,

Unlike the other editors TinyMCE is not configured from an external javascript file so at the moment I do not have a mechanism to give you complete control over those things. I have a couple of ideas about how to make it configurable but it may be a release or 2 from now before I get to it.



9/7/2009 10:08:29 AM
Total Posts 228

Re: TinyMCE editor button mods

Sounds good, give it a ponder.

Problem is no one will agree on what should and should not be included in there, or even general config. The beauty of TinyMCE is the amount of customization available, not just in regards to the buttons but through all the settings. Maybe someone doesn't want Word auto-clean, or maybe someone want the editor sizable, etc. It would be nice to be able to configure that javascipt.

Almost like an include file of sorts that you then load in place of the actual javascript in your mojo code.

9/18/2009 11:21:14 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: TinyMCE editor button mods

fyi there is a preview of the next version of mojoPortal available which includes a new config file for TinyMCE giving more control over plugins and toolbars.



9/18/2009 12:02:25 PM
Total Posts 228

Re: TinyMCE editor button mods

sweeeeeeeeet! That is great news!!! I'll check it out tonight.

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