Identifying Unused Content

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8/26/2009 3:09:15 PM
Total Posts 43

Identifying Unused Content

I would like to see a new column added to the Content Manager grid under the Administrative Menu. The column would be called “Publish Count” or “Is Published”. It would basically show if the content is published on any pages or not. This would allow for easy identification of content that was created by accident or is no longer in use.

It has been my intensions to develop this and pass the routines off for review, but I just can’t seem to make the time. One of these days maybe…

8/27/2009 7:11:47 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Identifying Unused Content

I just implemented this so it will be in the next release. Keep in mind though that if you have a module that is not used directly on on a page but used in a ModuleWrapper to put it on multiple pages then it will still show a use count of 0 because its counting the pages its on directly.



10/7/2009 9:38:24 AM
Total Posts 108

Re: Identifying Unused Content

Brilliant! nice one joe!

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