XML/XSL modul

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8/23/2009 2:35:28 PM
Total Posts 22

XML/XSL modul

Hy all,

how can I "attach" new .xml file to existing sample.xsl file? At the moment all I get is table from sample.xsl on my site but without data from .xml. I've tried to overwrite existing data in sample.xsl with data from .xml but still want't work. Please help.


8/24/2009 4:27:20 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: XML/XSL modul


The xml and xsl files kind of have to be designed for each other.

You can upload files to the /Data/Sites/[SiteID]/xml and /Data/Sites/[SiteID]/xsl folders either using ftp or using the (key icon) > File Manager

Hope it helps,


11/16/2009 8:46:38 AM
Total Posts 1

Re: XML/XSL modul



Is it possible to use this with an external rss feed like: http://www.xxx.com/rss and pass it trough a rss.xsl fil to produce i.e. html output.

Thanx in advance.

Jon Erik Solheim

Reaktor Consulting As, Norway

11/16/2009 9:22:23 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: XML/XSL modul


It does not currently support that but I don't think it would be difficult to implement support for it. Currently it expects the files in local folders.



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