Event Calendar Pro - linking from outsite

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8/22/2009 9:52:32 AM
Total Posts 220

Event Calendar Pro - linking from outsite

Hi Joe,

we have a site www.charlottenburger-kiez.de/home.aspx (without the /home.aspx it is the old no-mojo-version; the new is not ready yet).

On this site we pronounce a lot of events.

  • On the home page are some teasers
  • a page Veranstaltungen (events) shows all future events like the listview of the event calendar pro but with more details
  • and on the page Archiv (archive) you can find a list of all past events ordered by years.

From all these list items we link to the corresponding event pages with the whole story.
To realize this with the calendar I copied from the browser the address of the event page, edit one of the lists and paste the address into the corresponding link.

  • Do the event calendar pro has a more convenient way for this?
  • Do the expired events last, so that we can use them for the archive over years?
8/23/2009 11:09:12 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Event Calendar Pro - linking from outsite

Hi Matthias,

The only other way besides linking directly to the events from an Html instance would be to use a Feed Manager and consume the RSS exposed by the Event Calendar.

Old events never go away. The List View only shows events that have not happened yet, but the Calendar View allows navigating backwards in time to see old events.

Hope it helps,


8/23/2009 1:36:48 PM
Total Posts 220

Re: Event Calendar Pro - linking from outsite

Hi Joe,

in english I often can not say precise what I mean.

Linking directly to the events from an Html instance is exactly what I want to to - but not by copy and paste from the browser adress line.

O.k. it is not a big deal for me, but for the one who has to do it later on it is a little bit laborious - a task across two windows ...

Another question: Is there something like a layout.master for the events? I would like to erase or adjust the three lines Date: Starttime: Endtime



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