My Best Mojo Site - And My Current Passion

If you are using mojoPortal, let us know. We've put a lot of work into this project and it would be gratifying to hear from you. If you are using mojoPortal for a public site, post your URL here and show it off.

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8/21/2009 12:53:26 AM
Total Posts 131

Yamisee: Learn Virtually Anything

I've just released a new mojo site that I've been working on for some time. is a new concept that allows anyone who is an expert in a field to easily post course descriptions, and deliver live content in unique virtual rooms.  The site is not even at an alpha stage, but early adopters can register and launch instant meetings or schedule online meetings for free.  It's a webex like experience (that part is not mojo), with enhanced meeting rooms that allow for visual, non-verbal feedback coming soon.

I think it's a nice example of a clean visual design.  Hope you enjoy and sign up for free meetings.  Or just sign up for the newsletter and I'll keep you posted as the site evolves past alpha, an early adopter beta scheduled for October, and then a full release next year.


8/21/2009 1:33:14 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: My Best Mojo Site - And My Current Passion

This looks really great David!

I promise I will register on the site and check it out soon! Got to see what the mojoportal course is all about!



8/23/2009 8:32:07 AM
Total Posts 131

Re: My Best Mojo Site - And My Current Passion

Actaully, the courses right now are placeholder content.  It's a great place for someone like you to give a regular mojo course and make decent cash while doing so.


9/3/2009 11:20:39 AM
Total Posts 131

Re: My Best Mojo Site - And My Current Passion

Would you mind adding to your mojo site list as well? Every little bit helps Laughing

9/3/2009 11:27:51 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: My Best Mojo Site - And My Current Passion

Done. My bad, I could have sworn I had already added it.



9/7/2009 10:13:42 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: My Best Mojo Site - And My Current Passion

Hi David,

fyi, I just blogged your site along with some other cool recent mojoPortal sites.



9/8/2009 9:25:14 PM
Total Posts 131

Re: My Best Mojo Site - And My Current Passion


Thanks for the blog entry, much appreciated.

Every day I use mojo, I find something that I would have had to write myself and am thankful for the effort. Also, I hadn't prgrammed in 10 years and had missed the .net boat. mojo was a great learning tool to read the code and use it as a foundation for my custom code.

Thanks again.

9/24/2009 8:02:08 AM
Total Posts 131

Yamisee Updated and Released to Early Adopters

Hi, I just launched a new release of Yamisee that includes all the basic functionality for teaching and taking courses. Significantly more there than when I last posted about it.


1/22/2010 8:26:32 AM
Total Posts 131

Re: My Best Mojo Site - And My Current Passion

Just posted a free intro to mojo course scheduled for next Tuesday at 7:00 est. Click here to sign-up

5/3/2010 1:26:35 PM
Total Posts 131

May mojoPortal User Group Meeting Scheduled

Join us for our 3rd Official mojoPortal Online User Group Meeting on Yamisee. This month's meeting will be hosted by Joe Davis of i7Media.

The Agenda for these meetings is loose but usually includes the following:

Featured Presentation



Questions for Joe AudetteHelp with your difficult issues
Brainstorm desired featuresThe first two meetings have been very successful and we hope to see you this month.

To Register, click here:

6/13/2010 6:50:21 PM
Total Posts 131

Re: My Best Mojo Site - And My Current Passion

I just updated the skin for Yamisee. In my biased opinion, I think it looks great. Shows how flexible a mojo skin can be.


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