Search related questions

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5/29/2006 5:15:30 AM
Total Posts 5

Search related questions

Is the search index a genuine DotLucene compatible index? I tried to view it with Luke ( and it doesn't like it?

I have installed mojoPortal on IIS with MySql and the search works fine for forum posts but not for shared files. I tried a couple of simple text files and neither comes up when I search, so I wanted to take a look at the index and see if the text files I uploaded are there.

I also noticed that the search seems to index the text of the forum posts but not the subject - is that supported/planned?

Are there any search settings or admin tools I should be aware of - I couldn't find any on the Admin menu?

I am very impressed with what I see - can't wait to dig in some more.



5/29/2006 5:43:11 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Search related questions

Hi Sean,

Yes the search index is DotLucene. I don't know anything about Luke but it looks like it might be only for the java Lucene.

I will look into the forum subject question. The Shared files module indexes the name of the file and maybe description but currently doesn't index file contents. That may be possible to implement for some file types in the future but most of the techniques I've read about require some non-open source things and only work on windows. If anyone want to tackle this in an open source platform neutral way I would love to have the help.

There are currently no search admin features in mojoportal. The index will be built on the first search and will maintain itself from there. If ever you want to re-index the site you can delete the index and it will be created again on the next search. However, I'm not sure I would recommend deleting the index on a very large site as the thread could possbly time out before finishing. I haven't seen that happen just a theoretical issue.


5/29/2006 10:11:32 AM
Total Posts 4

Re: Search related questions


You might have to check the version compatibility of the Lucene indexes. I tried Luke in the past and it worked amazingly well. Maybe they changed something in the file formats the last year?
5/29/2006 12:19:08 PM
Total Posts 5

Re: Search related questions

Thanks Joe, that makes sense. I will look into it - I have a particular need to make it work with PDF files, which I know is a real challenge, but even if it just indexed files as text for now it may work for me. If I end up with anything that may be of help to you, I'll be happy to contribute.

Martijn, just to confirm, I would point Luke at the index folder below /Data/Sites/n right?



5/29/2006 2:32:11 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Search related questions

Hi Sean,

The folder with the index files would be /Data/Sites/[SiteID]/index


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