This is an open forum for any mojoPortal topics that don't fall into the other categories.
Is the search index a genuine DotLucene compatible index? I tried to view it with Luke ( and it doesn't like it?
I have installed mojoPortal on IIS with MySql and the search works fine for forum posts but not for shared files. I tried a couple of simple text files and neither comes up when I search, so I wanted to take a look at the index and see if the text files I uploaded are there.
I also noticed that the search seems to index the text of the forum posts but not the subject - is that supported/planned?
Are there any search settings or admin tools I should be aware of - I couldn't find any on the Admin menu?
I am very impressed with what I see - can't wait to dig in some more.
Thanks Joe, that makes sense. I will look into it - I have a particular need to make it work with PDF files, which I know is a real challenge, but even if it just indexed files as text for now it may work for me. If I end up with anything that may be of help to you, I'll be happy to contribute.
Martijn, just to confirm, I would point Luke at the index folder below /Data/Sites/n right?