email upon new registration of users

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8/14/2009 6:35:26 AM
Total Posts 6

email upon new registration of users

Hello dear mojoportal users,

we have successfully set up a nice mojo system with a user registration for some parts of the web page that are limited to certain users. Now we would love to have the opportunity to receive an email to one standard email address every time a new user has registered. Is that possible? And if so, what do we have to do?



8/14/2009 8:25:14 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: email upon new registration of users

You can add this to your Web.config or ideally user.config

<add key="NotifyAdminsOnNewUserRegistration" value="true" />

assuming your smtp is configured correctly and the users in the admins role have valid email address it will send notification of new user registration.

Hope it helps,


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