If you have questions about using mojoPortal, you can post them here.
You may want to first review our site administration documentation to see if your question is answered there.
Hello, I'm new to mojoportal and I'm building a site with this great CMS.
I have a question: the site I am building has a lot of "repeated structure". Basically it's divided by continents, then states, then regions, etc..
At the end I have a lot of pages that are equals, with only the content differing.
Is it possible to copy the structure, duplicating all the subpages under a chosen page?
Here an example:
source: Italy ---- Sicily ---- city 1 --- hotel 1
--- hotel 2
---- city 2 --- hotle 1
destination: the same strucure, but France in place of Italy. Then I will procede to change the names.
Thank you in advance!
No, I think time spent to rename a page is equal time to create it.
Sorry, but no we do not have functionality that you are describing for copying nodes.
Ok, thank you for the time!