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7/11/2009 2:00:45 AM
Total Posts 16


Is there a trick to using the RolesThatCanManageUsers config key?

I am trying to define another role that can add users, I have added the entry to the web.config file, but the role does not have the option to add users.

Here is my config key:

<add key="RolesThatCanManageUsers" value="Role Administrators" /> 

I am using with MySQL



7/11/2009 6:47:45 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: RolesThatCanManageUsers

put a semi colon at the end and see if that solves it, like "Role Administrators;" 

Hope it helps,


7/11/2009 1:38:38 PM
Total Posts 16

Re: RolesThatCanManageUsers


I added the semi-colon but it didn't help.  I also sifted thorugh the code for the AdminMenu.aspx page and I don't see how/where/if the RolesThatCanManageUsers key is used or refered to.

Can you confirm that this feature is implimented?



7/11/2009 1:46:35 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: RolesThatCanManageUsers

Hi David,

The setting name may imply more than is actual. Basically as I recall it was a feature request in the forums and its admittedly not documented well if at all, its a very small feature. It does not really allow managing users, but it does as I recall allow creating users. So by default users can only be created by admins or via the registration process. The roles specificed in this setting I believe can create users but cannot manage much or any of the user profile afterwards. A user in the role should see the add user link on the member list if I recall correctly. That is the same way that the admin can add users.

Hope it helps,


7/12/2009 12:20:53 AM
Total Posts 16

Re: RolesThatCanManageUsers

Ok, I figured it out.  I was using the role's "DisplayName" and not its "RoleName" in the web.config file.

Administrators and Role Administrators are the only two roles that have distinct rolenames and displaynames by the way.


Thanks for your help.


3/26/2011 5:03:44 PM
Total Posts 224

Re: RolesThatCanManageUsers

Sorry for bringing an old thread back to life but it's relevant to me and I can't get it to work.

I'd like to allow a site content author (or role admin) or basically some other role other than a full blown Administrator to be able to create new users. Currently I have to tell the site admin to log out, create the new account, then log out and log back in as an admin and then go set the roles and permissions for that new user. It's a little confusing and a small hassle, it would be easier if the site admin could create new users without having to log out. But as mentioned, I don't want to give site content authors full admin permissions (as they'll break stuff).

I've tried these options in the user.config with no luck:

<add key="RolesThatCanManageUsers" value="Role Admins;" />
<add key="RolesThatCanManageUsers" value="Role Admins" />
<add key="RolesThatCanManageUsers" value="Role Administrators;" />
<add key="RolesThatCanManageUsers" value="Role Administrators" />

Not the end of the world if this feature is no longer available, but if it is I'd like to use it. Thanks!


3/26/2011 10:47:13 PM
Total Posts 224

Re: RolesThatCanManageUsers

Disregard the question above. I see that under the site settings>security>permissions there are now options that can easily be set to give roles the ability to add new users, manage users and lookup users. All perfect and where I should have looked in the first place! Have I mentioned mojoPortal is awesome?

3/27/2011 7:46:10 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: RolesThatCanManageUsers

Hi Eric,

I guess you are working from the source code repository if you are seeing all of those. We've had roles that can create users (but not manage them after) and roles that can lookup users for a while, but roles that can manage users is new and coming in the next release of mojoPortal later this week.



3/27/2011 8:47:16 AM
Total Posts 224

Re: RolesThatCanManageUsers

No, I'm just using the regular SQL install version. I see all the options there in the admin but they may not be working correctly, I still had to give the user the "role administrators" role before they could create new users.

Here's a screen shot of what I see:

Either way, it's great to see this feature is being enhanced and more officially available soon. Good news!

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