Allow users to comment on pages

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7/4/2009 11:20:05 PM
Total Posts 41

Allow users to comment on pages

Is there a way to allow for visitors to comment on a page?

I am making the plunge into MP full time on my site (previously used DotNetBlogEngine) and am wanting to transfer some of the content over.  Not a full fledged blog, but also allowing for the visitors to comment on old (best of kind of things) content.

7/5/2009 12:59:55 AM
Total Posts 550

Re: Allow users to comment on pages


At now visitors can comment on blog posts and vote on the HTML Contents with comments. See the module setting by clicking the gear icon on top of module instances on pages.

I hope helps you.


7/5/2009 5:24:28 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Allow users to comment on pages


Currently the blog is the only feature with a comment system and its comment system is admittedly not very good. On my roadmap, I have indicated a plan to build a more feature rich comment system that can be used across features.

So, you can expect to see a better comment system that can be used in different features in future releases.



7/12/2009 9:11:18 AM
Total Posts 1

Re: Allow users to comment on pages

I hope soon we move further then just blog commenting.

content management system

2/7/2011 9:33:01 AM
Total Posts 30

Re: Allow users to comment on pages

Resurrecting this thread: Our users want to add comments to other user's profiles. Similar to Facebook's wall posts.

Happy new 2011, Joe! :)

2/7/2011 2:20:00 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Allow users to comment on pages

We currently have the ability to attach comments to any CMS page using IntenseDebate or Disqus and we have plans still for an internal comment system which has not been completed.

However, as mentioned on our About page, mojoPortal is not designed with the goal to build the next Facebook or social networking site. The user profile page in mojoPortal is not designed as a tool for users to express themselves as it is in Facebook and it is not a goal for this project to make it like that. You could build your own custom features for those purposes but that is not a direction where this project is going. Our purpose is to build business web sites with social features but not to build social networking sites.

You could let users link to their Facebook page from the mojoPortal profile page.

We do plan a private message system where users can send each other messages, but not planning a wall for posting messages.



2/7/2011 2:33:26 PM
Total Posts 30

Re: Allow users to comment on pages

Thanks for the reply and for updating the internal comment system.

Allowing comments on profile pages as well (not just CMS) would help me, so if that is not too big an effort I'd be happy to use it. Thank god you're not trying to replicate Facebook!

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