Associate Windows Live ID with current account

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7/2/2009 9:49:42 AM
Total Posts 2253

Associate Windows Live ID with current account

I apologize if this is on the site somewhere and I missed it.

I would like to associate my Windows Live ID with my account but I can't seem to figure out how to do it. I have the Live Messenger stuff working on this site but that doesn't allow me to sign-in using the Live account. I see the option in my account settings to associate an OpenID but I can't find anything for associating Live ID.

-Joe D.

7/2/2009 2:01:01 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Associate Windows Live ID with current account

Hi Joe,

I remember there being some difficulty with implementing that but can't at the moment remember what it was.

If you register with your Live Account I can transfer it to your existing account. If your existing account has the same email, then change it to a different one temporarily or it won't let you register. Just let me know the email for the new account and I can harvest the windlows live id code from it and put it on your existing account and then delete the new user.



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