My Second Mojo Site

If you are using mojoPortal, let us know. We've put a lot of work into this project and it would be gratifying to hear from you. If you are using mojoPortal for a public site, post your URL here and show it off.

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6/26/2009 2:23:32 PM
Total Posts 131

My Second Mojo Site

I put up another site.  Just transferred my consulting site to Mojo using SQLite.  It's something I have been putting off but shouldn't have worried as I was able to get the entire site back up in 5 hours, including design and content.  It's at for reference.

One thing I would like to see is a larger stable of html components for more flexability.  Like with border, without, etc.  Also, I have a page that uses script from a vendor to show content.  There is no easy was to add the script in the production version, and for this instance I didn't want to run the compiled version.  Any thoughts on that?  Something like an HTML fragment but that can run server code.

Thanks and the tool is great.

oh, and wait for my 3rd site that will release at the end of the summer.  This will really showcase all of mojo and extensive customization.

6/27/2009 10:33:33 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: My Second Mojo Site

Hi David,

Your site looks good, I've added it to the mojo sites page

Not sure I understand your questions fully.

You can define html templates in the content template system. Things like borders and such should be done with CSS.

The best way to make something that can run server side code is to make a UserControl as described in our hello world examples.



6/28/2009 9:45:00 AM
Total Posts 131

Re: My Second Mojo Site

Joe, I'll try and clarify my questions.  In both questions, I'm talking about having a basic module set so that users who only want to use the compliled version without customization can accomplish their tasks.  Once you customize, both are easily addressed.  However, to expand mojo to the widest audience, I thought a version where no customization is required would be important.  Hence the questions.

I understand it's easy to modify the html template borders through CSS, the issue is that if I would like to have multiple HTML modules with different look and feel, I need to create a custom module with a different CSS for each look.  For example, sometimes I want to show the rounded corners, sometime I don't.  Sometimes I want a border, others not.  This is easy enough to do if you have VS and some basic experience.  But, if I just want to use mojo "out of the box", then it's harder.  If I had the ability to pass in a CSS class to the html module that overrides panelwrapper and / or module content, that would do it.  Just something to think about.

Same for the control that would allow server side script.  So, just like an HTML fragment, but you pass the script to the control and it will execute on the server.  Again, easy if you want to create your own module, but not possible without customization.

So the question was more around "should this functionality be included in the base compiled download" rather than how to do it.

Hope that clarifies my questions and thanks for the support.

6/28/2009 10:13:11 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: My Second Mojo Site

Its currently possible to use different skins on different pages if you want to make things look different on different pages. Mainly the skinning system has been designed to help facilitate consitent styles across pages.

I will see about adding a module specific css class to the html module and perhaps others too by wrapping it in a <div class="module[moduleid]" where module id will be based on the actual module id.

C#/ASP.NET is not a scripting language. There is no equivalent to server side script includes like we had in Classic ASP or like in PHP or other scripting languages, the closest thing is a UserControl which can encapsulate whatever server side code you need to run and can plug into the content system easily.



6/28/2009 12:21:41 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: My Second Mojo Site

fyi, Today I implemented a container panel in Html and a few other features that will provide a feature instance specific css class that can be used to override styles for a particular content instance like class="module[moduleid]" where module id will be based on the actual module id

So this will be in the next release of mojoPortal.



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