This is an open forum for any mojoPortal topics that don't fall into the other categories.
Just a note to say that the wikipedia entry doesn't include mojoPortal - I'm afraid I dont' have time to add it.
Why do you post a link allegedly to wikipedia but it points to some knowledetree site?
Wow... I can honestly say that I have no idea how that happened. I was also looking up knowledgtree as a Document Management System, but in doing so found the link (as written, not the underlying link) which didn't contain mojoPortal. I don't know how the link got messed up.
Fixed the link.
I just created a wikipedia account and that document is semi protected so I have to wait 4 days before I can edit that page.
It would be ideal to add a link to
I will check in a few days and see if I can do it.