Yeah its both CSS and javascript that won't work in the outbound feed. The widgets need both the css and the javascript. Still I may change the blog to use the FullWithTemplates or make a config option for that because once its possible to edit templates its conceivable to have templates that don't need special css or js, but just stubb out some content structure. Its just the ones included now all do need the css and js.
jQuery makes it so nice because we just wire up those widgets based on a css class with a little snippet of js like this at the bottom of the page:
$('div.mojo-accordion').accordion(); $('div.mojo-tabs').tabs();
I even use jQuery to hookup the YUI tabs like this:
$('div.yui-navset').each(function(n){var myTabs = new YAHOO.widget.TabView(this);})
though I'm sure there is a YUI equivalent way of doing it.