SQL Help - Unlock admin account

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5/17/2009 3:51:31 AM
Total Posts 7

SQL Help - Unlock admin account

I apologize for being a N00b.  I somehow managed to lock my admin account out.  From searching this site I understand that I need to go into SQL Server Managment Studio and change the table mp_users IsLockedOut to 0.  The problem is, I dont know how to actually execute that change.

This is SQL Express 2008, I am connected to my SQL server using the SA password. 

In SQL Managment Studio I expanded Databases \ DataBase Name \ Tables \ dbo.mp_Users \ Columns and I see "IsLockedOut"

I double Click on it  - But I dont know what to do now.

Any help would be great ....


5/17/2009 10:06:28 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: SQL Help - Unlock admin account

You should right click the table and choose "Edit  Top 200 Rows"

Hope it helps,


5/17/2009 12:16:59 PM
Total Posts 7

Re: SQL Help - Unlock admin account

AWESOME - edited the top 200 rows, changed the value from true to false - worked liek a charm.  Thanks Joe

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