Adding a RadControls HTML Editor to MoJoPortal

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6/21/2009 4:12:51 AM
Total Posts 18

Re: Adding a RadControls HTML Editor to MoJoPortal

I'm not an expert concerning the workings of mojoPortal.

Which layout.master are you editing? I only edit the one in the skin I'm using (Data/Sites/1/skins/<someskin>/layout.Master> (not the one in the ascx module).

If you like I can email you a zip of the whole project (confidentiality assumed). I'm using and the latest Telerik Ajax controls. You can this extract/browse the various parts to find the difference.


6/21/2009 12:30:51 PM
Total Posts 245
mojoPortal Community Expert

Re: Adding a RadControls HTML Editor to MoJoPortal

Hi Allister


I modified the Web\App_MasterPages\layout.master
That would explain why my RadAjaxManager value was null.

Because it's fathers day.  I am not allowed to code today.  Only check my email.  DAM!!!!!

I'm 99% sure this will solve the problem.
If not, I'll be gratefull for a copy of your code.



6/22/2009 10:19:46 AM
Total Posts 245
mojoPortal Community Expert

Re: Adding a RadControls HTML Editor to MoJoPortal

Hi Allister

It works!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for all your help and pointing out I should be changing the skin layout.master file.  I had in running in 5 minutes.  All js problems gone.

So....  Where do ya live?
I'm in Calgary Canada.

Drop me an email sometime to

I'm not worried about leaving my email on a post any more.
I've had that email address for 15 years and my anti-spam programs catch 99% of the 400+ spams I get every day.

Rick Hubka

6/23/2009 7:42:50 AM
Total Posts 18

Re: Adding a RadControls HTML Editor to MoJoPortal

Excellent news.

I've just spent TWO DAYS trying to get the TimeView popup in the RadTimePicker and RadDateTimePicker working. Eventually traced down to the CSS friendly control adaptor changing the tables in the popup!

If you use these controls you'll need to disable (comment out) the DataListAdapter in the CSSFriendlyAdapters.browser file!




6/23/2009 9:01:12 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Adding a RadControls HTML Editor to MoJoPortal

Hi Allister,

I just fixed this so it won't be a problem in the next release of mojoPortal. Basically what I did was create a new mojoDataList that inherits from DataList and replaced all use of DataList in mojoPortal so it uses mojoDataList and then I changed the CSSFriendly.browser file so it only applies the adapter to mojoDataList and not to DataList.

This way you can use DataList in custom projects without it using the adapter but if you want to use the adapter then just use mojoDataList.



6/23/2009 10:43:43 AM
Total Posts 18

Re: Adding a RadControls HTML Editor to MoJoPortal

Hi Joe,

Thanks for that; one less thing to remember changing when I next upgrade (comnting out the DataList)!

This is for the Telerik AJAX controls, which BTW are quite nice (albeit a price).

Kindest Regards,


2/7/2010 1:14:01 PM
Total Posts 245
mojoPortal Community Expert

Re: Adding a RadControls HTML Editor to MoJoPortal

Hey Allister

How are you doing?

I just upgraded my managers Web Site for the first time in about 8 months.

I upgraded to the latest Telerik and mojoPortal.  Of cirse mojoPortal works Great!

Nowever, now I'm getting a null RadAjaxManager again just like before

RadAjaxManager manager = RadAjaxManager.GetCurrent(Page);
manager.AjaxRequest += new RadAjaxControl.AjaxRequestDelegate(manager_AjaxRequest);

I modified the layout.Master in my skin just like before.

I am assumming Telerik has changed things.

If you are still using Telerik, did you have to change anything to keep this working?



2/7/2010 1:25:57 PM
Total Posts 18

Re: Adding a RadControls HTML Editor to MoJoPortal

I just recently refreshed our application with the latest mojoportal sources AND the latest Telerik release Q3 2009.

I didn't have to do anything different (for Telerik anyway - hard work porting the styles to the structure). Just added the Manager, etc. to the master.layout file (removing the Ajax ScriptManager).

Must have missed something?


2/7/2010 9:34:40 PM
Total Posts 245
mojoPortal Community Expert

Re: Adding a RadControls HTML Editor to MoJoPortal

You were right...  I was missing something.  Fixed and working.

I was half hoping Telerik changed things so we did not have to hard code a change to the skin we use.


4/22/2010 7:34:40 AM
Total Posts 2

Re: Adding a RadControls HTML Editor to MoJoPortal

The following code snippet demonstrates how you can add an event handler as well as a CSS class to an element using ScriptManager.
Sys.UI.DomEvent class provides API for attaching handlers to DOM element.
Sys.UI.DomElement class provides API and Properties for manupulating DOM elements. 

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