Actually after reviewing it, if new registration is disabled users cannot register by windows live or any other means.
But there is no way to just let them automatically register by signing in to the live account if registration is disabled.
The Windows Live sign on the login page is is enabled because you have Windows Live Auth enabled in the site but it only will work for existing users if you have registration disabled. There is nothing to be done about the existing behavior. If an unregistered user clicks the sign in to windows live they will get signed into windows live but they will not get signed into mojoportal. The sign in for windows live is in an iframe hosting a page from windows live, so that page correctly shows that the user is signed into windows live, but snce he did not have a site account he did not get sign in to the site. That is correct behavior.
So, yes Windows Live authentication is a service geared towards sites that do allow new user registration (or allow anyone with a live account to sign in), trying to squeeze other scenarios out of it ends up with awkward user experience.