Page Security Issue

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5/11/2009 10:21:29 AM
Total Posts 74

Page Security Issue

Sorry if I'm posting this in the wrong spot...

I love being able to select who is able to view a page in the page settings dialogs. But if I select that only Admins can view a certain page, you can get around this by typing the address in the url bar. This only hides the links from non-admins. Is it possible to completely block a page (403 Forbidden) unless you are in a cetain role? In the past I would do this in the web.config, but it would be preferable to do it through the browser so then end users can do it themselves.

Or am I doing something wrong? Thats always a big possibility!



5/11/2009 10:25:44 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Page Security Issue

Pages are secured by roles its not just hiding links. If you think this is happening please post step by step how to produce the problem and/or please create a page on the demo site that is visible only to admins and prove to me that it can be access by non-admin using the url. 



5/11/2009 10:27:47 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Page Security Issue

Note that if the page is pointing to some physical .aspx page that you created, then its up to you to enforce security in your own page code. The security settings only apply to virtual pages or physical pages developed by me and included in mojoPortal. 



5/11/2009 10:34:36 AM
Total Posts 74

Re: Page Security Issue

Yup, I was doing something wrong! They are physical pages that I created.



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