Access to site.

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5/5/2009 2:39:49 PM
Total Posts 1

Access to site.

Hi. Virus on my workstation attacked your site. My ip address has been blocked by your administrator.
I removed the virus. Can you renew my access to your site? Thanks.

5/6/2009 6:16:03 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Access to site.


I am the one who blocked your ip address because I saw hundreds of errors in my log caused from this ip address in rapid bursts of multiple requests per second. These errors caused no harm but were evidence of malicious intent or unauthorised penetration testing.

Your explanation that it was caused by a virus seems possible but unlikely, nevertheless, I have unblocked your ip address for now. If I see further evidence of malicious requests from this ip I will block it again permanently.


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