AD child domain integration

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5/5/2009 7:33:32 AM
Total Posts 4

AD child domain integration

Hi Joe,

Nice work ,Mojo is really awesome.I have done Mojo installation(2.2.9) using IIS 6 and MySQL 5.0.Everything is fine except AD integration.

The problem is I configured the site for root domain of AD.I want the users from root and child domains to access the site.But the thing is child domain users could not login,this might be site was unable to query the child domains.Is there any way to resolve this?Please help me out.

Sample configuration:

AD server:

domain: (root domain)

DN:   CN=Users,DN=xyz,DN=com

Child domain:  pqr  (

How can i give background color fort he pages?


5/5/2009 9:25:56 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: AD child domain integration


I'm sorry I don't have a good answer for you and not sure how to solve it. What I can tell you is based on my recollection of the code the last time I looked into it, for AD it tries to authenticate the user just by using username@domainname with the provided password using the LDAP/AD server specified, it does not really use the DN setting except for when using OpenLDAP.

So as long as your AD machine could authenticate users from the sub domains it should work, but if the sub domain members need to be authenticated using a different @domainname then the current implementation is not going to work for you. 



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