when i rearrange the tabs , the home page content got deleted or changed

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4/21/2009 7:28:44 AM
Total Posts 17

when i rearrange the tabs , the home page content got deleted or changed

Hello Joe,
                   I am working on window xp as operating system and using mysql as database and working over . I am having
a problem in home page content . when i  rearranges menu position i.e i have 3  menu  at my site namely home, news,classified and if i keep
home at first position and than news and classified respectively it works fine however when i change the position of menu i.e. if i place news
first and than classified  and lastly home than content of home get changed or deleted so whats the problem is i could'nt get it . so it would
be helpful for me if you provide me help in this regard at your earliest .



Following is the url of my website : www.dynamicwebsite.co.in

please go through to it to check the problem.

4/21/2009 8:11:21 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: when i rearrange the tabs , the home page content got deleted or changed

Its probably because you are using extra segments in the urls for News and Classified. your News page has siteroot/onlineportal/newshome.aspx, the extra segment in the url is not supported. The friendly urls were not designed to act like folders, it is designed for short urls, you should remove "onlineportal/" from the url.

Also your home page has the url "default.aspx", you should give it the url ~/home.aspx, you cannot use default.aspx as a friendly url, the first page in the site will be shown for default.aspx, so if you move News to be first it should be shown for default.aspx but because you have that url attached to home it is a problem.

Default.aspx is the physical page that serves all pages in the menu, so you should never assign that as the url of a page.

Friendly urls all map to /Default.aspx?pageid=x as the real url so you can't use Default.aspx as a friendly url.

Hope it helps,


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