when I delete the pages on the database,why the page title is still showing on the menu?

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4/10/2009 6:46:38 AM
Total Posts 16

when I delete the pages on the database,why the page title is still showing on the menu?

Hi, I use the sql2005. I use the IE7.

At first, I delete the page like "Test" page on the website.But when I delete it ,it stills show on the menu.

Then ,I go to the database, use this sql :"delete from mp_pages where PageName=N'Test'"

So the "test" page must be disappear. But why I fresh the website on the IE7, the "Test" word is still show on the menu, but can't find the page(like this ---We're sorry but We're sorry but we could not find the page you are looking for. Please try the Site Map. we could not find the page you are looking for. Please try the Site Map. )

Can anyone tell me why and give me some advice?

Thanks very much


4/10/2009 6:55:42 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: when I delete the pages on the database,why the page title is still showing on the menu?

Its because the site map is heavily cached by the runtime. We use cache depndency files to invalidate the cache, so as long as it can write to the /Data folder a cahce dependency file is created for the site map and then it is touched whenever you delete a page (from the web UI). So if it can't write to the file then it can't invalidate/clear the cache. If you delete directly from the db its never going to clear the cache.

So it sounds like file permissions for your installation are not correct if it can't create/modify the cache dependency files. The3 dependency files are located at /Data/Sites/[SiteID]/systemfiles where SiteID is usually 1 for the first site. If you see files there try deleting them and see if they come back or not. They should be automatically re-created if you delete them then touch Web.config. If they are not created then its a permission problem preventing it from clearing the cache.

You can manually clear the cache by touching Web.config file, ie download it and upload it or type a space in it and save it.

Hope it help,


4/10/2009 8:22:10 PM
Total Posts 16

Re: when I delete the pages on the database,why the page title is still showing on the menu?

Hi, Joe
I delete them, Now it's ok.

Thank you

2/14/2010 10:25:20 AM
Total Posts 3

We're sorry but we could not find the page you are looking for. Please try the Site Map

Dear Sir,

everything is running well, i have using last version of mojoportal, installed local host of vista ultimate os. I have added some pages, after that when i am trying to add a new page then shows on this page " We're sorry but we could not find the page you are looking for. Please try the Site Map ",  ihave given permission to data folder.

Pls give me solution or let me know any limitation?

2/23/2010 12:52:23 PM
Total Posts 228

Re: when I delete the pages on the database,why the page title is still showing on the menu?

We just moved a MojoPortal install from one server to another and ending up having the same problem with pages not appearing or deleting as expected. I found this post, deleted those cache dependency files, touched the web.config and all is working as expected again.

Thought I'd post in case someone else comes across this problem when moving an install. Joe, might be a good tip to add to a "moving your install" info page.

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