Blank pages when editing

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Post here for help with installation of mojoPortal pre-compiled release packages

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  • What operating system were you running when the bug appeared?
  • What database platform is your site using?
  • What version of mojoPortal are you running?
  • What version of .NET do you use?
  • What steps are necessary to reproduce the issue? Compare expected results vs actual results.

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3/20/2009 9:04:07 AM
Total Posts 6

Blank pages when editing

Hiya Again

Now the web is running, and first time it worked as expected, how ever trying to make a couple of new pages I ended up not being able to edit them.

I then deleted the whole Database, unpacked installation files again, and went through my installation again (im getting good at that now) :)

But right after having changed the admin password, if i just try to see if i can change the welcome page, i press "rediger(edit)" since it is translated to danish (would like to keep it in english i think) - anyway - I get the page where it should show me the contents but i only get the update and cancel button.
There is nothing on the screen i can edit and change.

Ive checked that the site still have the FCKeditor as default.
Since ive also change the theme, ive tried to get back to default theme to see it that could have caused it.

So  - any ideas ?


3/24/2009 5:23:59 PM
Total Posts 6

Re: Blank pages when editing

Is there anyway i can reinstall FCKeditor ?

It seems like thats the one having the problem, i get several scripterrors "FCKbrowserinfo is undefined" "FCKtools Undefined"

Ive tried to delete all files on the web, create a new website, new database, unpacking the files again, since the editor worked after first installation, but stopped at some point, and now its all the same, the editor dont show up. :(


3/24/2009 5:26:36 PM
Total Posts 6

Re: Blank pages when editing

Ooops and the needed information

OS = windows 2003 R2 (without R2 options installed)
DB=MSSQL 2005 (installing SP3 now, it was without SP at the time of Mojo Installation)
Mojo= mssqlrelease
.NET=3.5 SP1

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