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mojo Version: mojoPortal-2-2-9-2 2/26/2009
When changing the site skin I keep getting the error "Minimum Password Non-Alphanumeric Characters Required must be an integer."
It seems the "Minimum Password Non-Alphanumeric Characters Required" has a default value of 'ad' for some reason.
I could not replicate this problem, but in the new release I made sure that there is an integer default on that field.
Hope it helps,
I have also noticed this error. Except, the default value that appears is "da", not "ad". This could just be a conincidence but "da" is the variable name in code for the "data adapter" objects.
I am using MySQL and as far as the version of mojoPportal, I have the latest code as of about last week. The site is being hosted on Win2k3.
I am able to consistently reproduce this error as I was previewing all of the various skins.
Hope this helps.
I've changed to a safer int.tryParse instead of .parse to try and prevent this but it has not happened for me. Not sure if the change is in trunk yet but will be soon if not.