Registration page / userId field

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3/8/2009 4:12:47 PM
Total Posts 7

Registration page / userId field

I am sure this must have been discussed before, but can't find any other threads. 

I have been asked to change this "our" mojo install so that userIds are not used in the site at all. I was am wondering whether it would be useful to change in the primary mojo source code or just our copy. I was thinking of adding another option on the site settings to say "Use email as UserId": When selected the userId field would be hidden on the registration page and populated behind the scenes with the user's email.

What do reckon fool folks / Joe?





3/9/2009 10:09:15 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Registration page / userId field

Hi Matt,

I would not recommend you forking the code as that will make it very difficult to upgrade.

I don't think it would be difficult to add a web.config option to hide the user id if using email for login, but it still needs to be maintained in the db and must be unique per user, so it will require adding a little logic when it is hidden to populate it and ensure it is unique. Could just use the part of the email address before the @ sign and if a username exists with that then just append a number to it to make it unique.

However, the member list and ProfileView.aspx also displays it, the idea being we don't want to expose email addresses there and the userid gives something pseudo anonymous to list members by. So we would need to figure out what we do want to show there if we hide userid, maybe full name.

I will make a note of this on my list, I'm working on other things right now but if you want me to make this a priority a small sponsorship or donation would probably do the trick.



3/10/2009 3:32:15 AM
Total Posts 7

Re: Registration page / userId field

Thanks for the reply Joe.

I have given this issue some more thought. I agree with your way of doing it, using the characters to the left of the @ symbol. I think however I will incorporate this into our new registration page. We are up against a pretty tight deadline and need to get something out by the end of the week. We need to make some other changes to this page so I will bundle them up together. Don't worry I'm not forking into your code by the way, just copying across the controls and the registration page in the On Build event!

All the best


10/12/2009 2:18:49 PM
Total Posts 2252

Re: Registration page / userId field

Hey Joe,

Did the setting for hiding the UserID option on the Registration ever find it's way into mojoPortal?

Joe D.

10/12/2009 2:28:54 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Registration page / userId field

Hi Joe,

Yes it did, I'm even contemplating making it the default when using email, but for now just add this to user.config

<add key="AutoGenerateAndHideUserNamesWhenUsingEmailForLogin" value="true" />



10/14/2009 1:45:57 AM
Total Posts 7

Re: Registration page / userId field

Nice one, thanks Joe, I missed that.


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