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Rad 644: </providers> Rad 645: </membership>--> Rad 646: <roleManager enabled="true" defaultProvider="mojoRoleProvider"> Rad 647: <providers> Rad 648: <clear />
If you get errors about that it must be running 1.1 .NET, you need .NET 3.5 SP1
Hope it helps,
Isnt it ok with 2.0.50727?
mojoPortal requires .NET 3.5 SP1, however it will still say ASP.NET 2.0.
Make sure you don't share the application pool with any 1.1 apps. Try creating a new app pool.
Hi again, sorry for my ignorance but where and how do i create a new app pool?
By the way, i got iis 5.1
IIS console has ability to create new app pools and assign app pools to web sites/applications.
I dont have any 1.1 apps. should it work with 2.0? what can be wrong if i have 2.0?
No, you must install .NET 3.5 SP1 if it is not already installed or else go back to mojoportal which was the last version to target 2.0 .NET.
Ok i´ll try. Thanx!!
Maybe i cant ask this qusetion here but i think you got the answer for it:
Trying to activate net 3.5 i commando prompten C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5
Tried:aspnet_regiis /i, aspnet_regiis \i, aspnet_regiis -i, aspnet_regiis.exe -i and just aspnet_regiis.exe but same answer every time. This is not a internal commando...
Do you know how to do?
Well I'm just guesing, but there is no aspnet_regiis.exe in the Framework\v3.5 folder probably because 3.5 is really just 2.0 with some additional dlls. So my guess is you would have to run it from the v2.0.50727 folder.