This is an open forum for any mojoPortal topics that don't fall into the other categories.
Sorry i write the latest post before see it you post with new topics.
I will move this on 'create custom modules' topic it is ok?
My new topic is "create custom modules in source code ,build in release mode and use it in project with release files" in developer forum :)
Thanks for patiens!
Hi Joe,
mojoPortal - MSSQL
Operating System - Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
ASP.NET v4.0.30319 Running in Full Trust
I've created a Multiple Sites solution with this version.
I've done with based on Folder Names like says in your page Hosting Multiple Sites Based on Folder Names,
In development environment the web sites work fine.
Today i've published the site to production and site number 2 ( /en/home.aspx ) is not working.
The production server is a hosting service.
In log4net says "The file '/en/csshandler.ashx' does not exist."
Do you know to solve this? any idea?Thanks
I've created a Multiple Sites solution
I found a solution.
copy the csshandler.ashx file to the folder /en/
All done! Correct solution for me here! Thank!