I don't like it when people ask a bunch of questions on a thread with an unrelated topic or change the topic after I answer.
1. No, if you need something custom you have to implement it.
2. All database platforms have their own tools for backup and restore of databases, its not needed to iimplemnt it in mojoPortal. Maybe someday we will implement import and export to makwe it possible to move from on db plaform to another but its not a hihg priority.
3. If a user searches they only see results if they are in a role with permission to view the page, result are filtered according to the user's roles.
4. You can enable caching at the module level, click the gears next to the title of the module. It works well for Html module but not for any module that does postback or uses ajax so use it with caution if you do use it. For most installations in shared hosting you don't have enough memory available and if you start caching too much it will run out of memory and recycle the app frequently. Caching should only be used to solve a perfomance problem for a site that gets a lot of traffic an is under heavy load. It is disabled by default because it can be problematic to use it. To enable it you need to add this to user.config or Web.config
<add key="DisableContentCache" value="false" />
5. By default we already trackuser ip addresses, you can see it if you click the gear next to a user name on member list to get to user management, then look on the location tab to see ip addresses the user has used.
Hope it helps,