Hosting Multiple Sites

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3/13/2009 8:12:15 AM
Total Posts 98

Re: Hosting Multiple Sites


  Yes I use IIS 5.1 and Windows XP SP2

3/13/2009 8:39:19 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Hosting Multiple Sites

In IIS on XP there is only 1 web site "Default Web Site" and there is a limitation that there can only be one web site because MS doesn't want you to use XP as a server, on a server you can create multiple Web Sites, or you can explore workarounds like Slaven suggested.

For using folder based sites in mojoPortal, the first site must be a root web site NOT a Virtual Directory. Currently you have a Virtual Directory named mojo that points to the folder where the mojoportal files live. You need to point Default Web  Site at that folder, right click Default Web Site and go to properties point  Home Directory to the mojoportal. Then the first site will work at http://localhost, which corresponds to Default Web Site.

Hope it helps,


3/13/2009 8:49:13 AM
Total Posts 98

Re: Hosting Multiple Sites

Ok I do this and now can open http://localhost

The next step is to make majoFrance virtual dir and point to wwwroot?



3/13/2009 8:54:14 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Hosting Multiple Sites

No, you don't need any Virtual Directory for the folder sites, once mojoportal is running at http://localhost just go to Administration Menu > Site Settings, see the dropdown near the site name, choose new site, create the site, then on the Folder Mappings tab create the folder mojofrance, now it will work you can visit the new site at http://localhost/mojofrance/Default.aspx, if you want it to work without the Default.aspx then create a folder beneath the root of the main site at /mojofrance using Windows Explorer. Put an empty text file there and name it Default.aspx

Hope it helps,


3/13/2009 9:16:41 AM
Total Posts 98

Re: Hosting Multiple Sites


   Thanks a lot ,Joe .It works ok


3/18/2009 3:15:36 AM
Total Posts 98

Re: Hosting Multiple Sites

Hi ,Joe

 To hosting multiple web sites in IIS 6.0 I must do the same thing like for IIS 5.1?


3/18/2009 4:48:02 AM
Total Posts 98

Re: Hosting Multiple Sites

And the site settings I cannot edit from parent site?

In this moment the dropdownlist ddSiteList is not visible to child sites but into parent site .I didn't found this! Where is?


3/18/2009 7:25:30 PM
Total Posts 251

Re: Hosting Multiple Sites

Hi, the documentations says:

"If your hosting provider enforces a Medium trust policy, hosting multiple sites on 1 web installation will not work correctly"

My hosting is in medium trust policy, and i am running a tryout of multiple sites. It looks everything is ok, but, this is just a tryout, not public page, i don't have tried all of functions and many users at once; what will not work correctly?

3/19/2009 4:21:38 AM
Total Posts 98

Re: Hosting Multiple Sites


  Hi, Joe

  I work with multiple folders in mojoportal and created 3 folders for french,german and spanish

  When go to spanish localhost/es/home.aspx and try edit one html content give me this error:

  System.Web.HttpException: The file '/ServicEditorStyles.ashx' does not exist.

 You can tell me how resolve it?


3/19/2009 7:32:59 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Hosting Multiple Sites

This is a bug that has been fixed if you upgrade to version



3/19/2009 8:41:57 AM
Total Posts 98

Re: Hosting Multiple Sites

I cannot fixed for my version 2-2-8-6?

I must found a solution in this version..


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