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3/27/2009 12:28:12 PM
Total Posts 72

Re: Updates


Yes, the host has moved from one server to another only a couple of weeks ago.  Have sent your reply to them to fix.  Have just noticed that they have an alert on their site "Exchange Server Maintenance Scheduled for March 28".  Not sure if that may be part of the problem.  We'll see.

Cheers - Chris



3/27/2009 12:39:01 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Updates

If you have a setting like this in Web.config or user.config (ie you would need it if you are in Medium Trust hosting):

<add key="Lucene.Net.lockdir" value="C:\__dev\mojoportal\joe\Web\Data\Sites\1\index" />

Then the path may need to be corrected since your site got moved and its a file system path (obviously the above path is just an example from my machine). The /Setup/Default.aspx page should tell you the correct path if it detects you are in medium trust.

You may also want to delete rows from the mp_IndexingQueue table if they have the old incorrect index path in them. Rows get deleted after processing so you can probably safely just delete all rows from that table to be sure.

I don't think Exchange Server maintenance is likely to affect your site unless it relays email through exchange, then maybe some email would fail during that time.

Hope it helps,



3/27/2009 4:57:04 PM
Total Posts 72

Re: Updates


Have removed all the files from the mp_index.. as the path was wrong.   I try and run setup and I cam not getting any error logs in the Data folder any more - would this be the expected outcome - as website still not doing anything different - all I get is the "Server Error in '/' Application."  runtime error screen now - not your custom error page.

Can't find anywhere in the config file re the addkey...lockdir as below and wouldn't have added this myself. 

Unfortunately, my old host sold out to EasyCGI and they have been nothing but Easy for me ever since the migration across.  It takes forever to get anything done and something as simple as recycling the application hasn't been done in the 12 hours since I first contacted them.  Its so hard to find a decent host these days :)



3/27/2009 8:47:38 PM
Total Posts 72

Re: Updates

Still having no luck with this - the host seemed to be doing something like recycling the app but still nothing happening - still getting the same .net error page coming up.  Any more ideas on what I might be able to my end or tell the host to do their end - they seem to have no idea at the moment.



3/28/2009 7:00:50 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Updates

Hi Chris,

Usually there is a button somewhere in the hosting control panel to recycle the app. Touching the Web.config by downloading it and uploading it again should also recycle the app most of the time.

None of the errors you posted previously are stoping the site fromk running so we need to find out what the real error is.

Please look for this in Web.config:

 <customErrors mode="RemoteOnly" defaultRedirect="Error.htm">

and change it to:

<customErrors mode="Off" defaultRedirect="Error.htm">

That should get you past the generic .NET error page and give more error info.

Please start a new thread and post the error. 



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