MySQL Stored Procs?

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2/12/2009 8:46:25 PM
Total Posts 29

MySQL Stored Procs?

Are there any plans to convert the MySQL scripts to Stored Procedures? 

Greg P

2/13/2009 4:24:57 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: MySQL Stored Procs?

Hi Greg,

No there are no such plans. I can see no real good reason to do that. It will require a great deal of work, will make ongoing work and maintenance require more effort, and not really produce any significant benefits that I can see. I have to stay focused on adding value, if I spend my time on micro optimization I will soon be out of business. If there were a particular method that really would benefit from a change to a stored proc I would consider it but definitely not otherwise.

I do already maintain stored procs for MS SQL and it is more work than other data layers because of this, but since I have done it from the beginning and because it has more strategic value than doing it for other data layers I continue to use them there, but its much easier to maintain and develop without them.



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