Multiple Site Templating

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1/27/2009 5:36:48 PM
Total Posts 25

Multiple Site Templating

Hi guys,

I currently want to have certain template sites that a user can build a site from. Does mojoPortal have any built in functionality for creating a site template that can be used to create a site from, such as a site that already has been setup..i.e. content has been added and pages have already been addded for the user includeing some logos etc.... Should I just create the pages dynamically at creation time and if so how do I add modules to pages and have the modules configured with some default settings I would like.


Thanks, Joe

1/28/2009 8:40:51 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Multiple Site Templating


I just documented some built in stuff to help with this that wasn't documented before but is how I populate my demo site and is also useful for custom application developers who want to package their app with mojoPortal and be able to create a page or pages with their custom features on it.

Hope it helps,


2/5/2009 3:36:31 PM
Total Posts 25

Re: Multiple Site Templating

 When I design a template based on the link you provided, should I create all the pages in one .config file or should I separate each page into its own file and name the .config files in abc sort order of creation? 

Also, what is the best way to block certain content/pages based on payments received or not...etc? I would like each site to have full content and be able to easily switch on or off certain features without totally deleting pages and their content. ...programmatically of course.


By the way I have fallen in love with this CMS and have completely migrated over from DNN.


2/6/2009 6:08:40 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Multiple Site Templating

When I design a template based on the link you provided, should I create all the pages in one .config file or should I separate each page into its own file and name the .config files in abc sort order of creation?

Either way works so its a matter of personal preference but I generally use a file per page.

Whatever features you declare on pages in your config file are the only features that will be installed (except maybe html feature may always be installed). So if you want the site to have more features then you have to add them to the site after creating the site. This is done from site settings page in the root site, select child site from dropdown list and see where you can add/remove features.

If you add a feature to a site and they use it to create content and then you remove the feature from the site, I "think" existing instances still work but no new instances of the feature can be used.

I have it on my radar to implement a site provisioning feature that would allow users to create sites on demand according to various configured rules and one of the options would be to have ecommerce purchase, but I have so many things on my list I have no idea if/when I will get to this.



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