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Hi Joe
I have just added two HTML Content features to my Contact Us page, being a header and foorter with extra contact details, but they both appear at the bottom of the page, and when I try and edit page content, no content is shown, so I can't move the features up or down.
Thats very strange. If there are steps to produce the problem I would investigate. Maybe if the content instances have no title it looks like they aren't there but clicking the empty title should work.
That was in fact the solution. I think in future I will always give instances titles while working, and remove them once not needed. Or develop a new skin with the 'extra' content not included as a feature, but as layout.
You can give them titles and then uncheck show title in the module settings to hide the title from the public but still see it in pagelayout.aspx.
Ooooh, thanks. mojo just keeps getting better.