Podcasting with mojoPortal

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10/9/2008 5:27:30 AM
Total Posts 30

Podcasting with mojoPortal

Is it possible to podcast using mojoPortal?  I would like to have my mojoPortal installation do all aspects, and at the minute it is doing a fine job, but there is the possibility that I need to add a podcast to the setup.  Is it just a matter of adding the audio files to the blog module?  How would I create the seperate audio feeds?


10/9/2008 6:12:29 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Podcasting with mojoPortal

I think to really do it right we would need to implement a podcast feature or extend the functionality of the blog to support it. Maybe we just need to add a field in the db for an optional mp3 file (or url to one) for each blog post. I've made a note to remind myself to look into it when I get a chance. Its a really good idea.

Would be good to clarify the needed features. Is a separate audio feed really needed? I thought they just embed links to the audio. Like Odiogo, just consumes my mojoportal blog feed and adds their text to speech generated mp3 into an output feed. So the only difference is we would have the option to use our own produced mp3. What other features does it need to be considered a podcasting blog? A widget to play the podcast, an upload mechanism for uploading the mp3. What else?



10/9/2008 8:18:16 AM
Total Posts 30

Re: Podcasting with mojoPortal

Ideally I would like to offer my feed in multiple formats - .ogg and .mp3.  There would need to be a mechanism to generate a seperate feed for one of them, the other could use the default RSS feed.  It would be good to have support for seperate Category podcasts but not vital.  Some form of player would be nice, but again not vital.  Supporting various formats including videos I think is probably the main one.

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