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Hi peepz,
Is it possible to have the events calendar to be display in all the pages just like the menu instead of printing it as a new content on every page?
Farah K.
There is a video here about publishing content on multiple pages:
Hope it helps,
Thank Joe. That is what I was looking for.
Anyways, could you tell me which file I should look into if I want to do the following:-
i. Instead of Mon, Tue, Wed, etc, I want the days to be labelled as M, T, W
ii. When the user click on the calendar, the details will be displayed in a new page. I have published the calendar on the right panel for every page. To maintain consistency, I would like the events calendar to still be displayed when viewing the details of the event. How do I go about doing that?
iii. When the user click on the calender to view the events, a new window will pop up to display the details instead of displaying another page.
iv. I want the title of the Event Calendar to be smaller. I noticed that the title follow the css class h2.moduletitle, how do I go about overwriting it as I want a smaller font for the title?