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Hi, I have a problem using a htmlfragment including a code like this:
<object id="object_id" data="http://mylink.asp?id=87&id2=True" type="application/xhtml+xml" classid="clsid:25336920-03F9-11CF-8FD0-00AA00686F13" style="border:0;overflow:hidden; width:750px; height:500px;" title="myapplication"></object>
The result is that the object is running in IE but in Firefox 3.0 the object is shown completely white. Anybody incountered a problem like this using object tag? (I can't use iframe because of accessibility).
Thank very much
I don't really see how mojoportal can be affecting this.
Does it behave any differently outside of mojoportal if you create a plain old html page?
Is the object known to work in Firefox?
Hope it helps,