response.write target _blank messes up sending page format

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7/1/2008 9:20:10 AM
Total Posts 112

response.write target _blank messes up sending page format

Hi All;

I have a Module where I push a button and get a target page using Response.Redirect  without problems, but I would like it to create the target in a new window as might be done by 'target="_blank"'. So I've implemented the Response.Write-s seen in comments, below; which functions, except that the sending page formatting is messed up after I've pushed the button. (Oh yea, I pull the Response.Redirect when using the Response.Write-s.)

protected void SummaryButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// TODO Open in new page like target=_blank;
// This works, but the sending page formatting gets messed up.
Response.Redirect ("Modules/MasterSummary.aspx");

Any suggestions are very much appreciated,
Dale E. Moore

7/1/2008 1:22:05 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: response.write target _blank messes up sending page format

Hi Dale,

This isn't Classic ASP. You can't just response.write stuff in button click events and expect things to work right.

The right way to do it is to just use a link.

<asp:HyperLink ID="lnkDetails" runat="server" />

In code you can make the link open a new window by setting it up like this:

lnkDetails.Text = "Your link text";
lnkDetails.NavigateUrl = "yourdetailspageurl.aspx";
lnkDetails.Attributes.Add("onclick", ",'_blank');return false;");

Note that using the onclick and javascript to open the page in a new window is preferrable to using the target attribute because target is not a valid attribute in xhtml

Hope it helps,


7/2/2008 10:01:34 AM
Total Posts 112

Re: response.write target _blank messes up sending page format

Dear Joe;

Your suggestion worked perfectly!

Thanks for your wider explaination; I very much appreciate your guidance!
Dale E. Moore

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