Show only specific folders in FCKeditor File Browser

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6/20/2008 1:43:53 AM
Total Posts 68

Show only specific folders in FCKeditor File Browser

Hi Joe,

I would like my content managers to see only a specific folder when they click the Browse Server button in the Link Info dialog in FCKeditor.

This is so that they cant see all the other folders such as htmlfragments, logos etc.

How can I set it to show only the Pages folder and the Documents folder?

Can this be set in Role based permissions?

Does changing the DisallowedVirtualFolderNames in the web.config file make any difference here?



6/20/2008 6:07:26 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Show only specific folders in FCKeditor File Browser


DisallowedVirtualFolderNames setting is only used for multi site installations based on folder names, it has nothing to do with FCKeditor.

Currently I don't have the folders configurable as you would like. I do have a web.config setting RolesThatCanUploadAndBrowse that determines who can browse the server and upload files.

The logic for controlling what is seen in the browse dialog is in Web/Dialog/FileBrowseConnector.aspx.cs

You could potentially implement your own replacement for this and then just use the Web.config settings to point to your own version:

<add key="FileBrowserServiceRelativePath" value="/Dialog/FileBrowseConnector.aspx" />
<add key="ImageBrowserServiceRelativePath" value="/Dialog/FileBrowseConnector.aspx" />
<add key="LinkBrowserServiceRelativePath" value="/Dialog/LinkBrowseConnector.aspx" />

Hope it helps,


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