Re: Manage Portals under Windows XP
The problem is that in both cases the hostname is localhost so there is no difference between the sites in terms of host name.
What you can do is open the hosts file c:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts with a text editor
and add a new host name it can be named anything myhost
you will notice in that file there is already a mapping for localhost
then if you create a new site in mojoportal using myhost for the hostname you will have 2 sites
the name localhost is used by convention but it is entirely arbitrary
other than that it could be anything.
Host Names are mapped to ip addresses by DNS servers
or in your hosts file
Virtual Directories in IIS is just a way to create an application boundary
the mojoportal part is not part of the hostname and it makes no sense to add a hostname in mojoportal like localhost/RBMS as that is not a valid host name, localhost is still the host and the virtual directory you created in IIS defines an application boundary at localhost/RBMS just like mojoportal is an application boundary in localhost/mojoportal but since the host name is the same it is not 2 sites in mojoportal. The hostname has to be different.
Note also that in terms of web server configuration there is normally an application boundary at the root site which corresponds to a host name like
http://localhost or
Simply adding another folder level like http://localhost/somefolder or does not create an application boundary at somefolder, it is the process of creating a Virtual Directory in IIS that sets up the application boundary (or in apache this is done through the config files)
So in http:/localhost/mojoportal, the mojoportal part has an application boundary because of the IIS Virtual Directory. When you created a new Virtual Directory RBMS you also created an application boundary at http://localhost/RBMS but it did not create a new host name mapping so it did not result in a new site in mojoPortal.
Hope that helps, let me know if you need more help.